Olivia Mom is a Whore - An Adult Story

I was sitting in our small break room at work.  I’d been working a week straight without a day off.  I can’t even remember what I did on my last day off.  It had even been over 3 months since I went out on a date.  I was working too much.  But I needed money to pay the bills.  It was close to the end of my lunch.  I had a bad slice of pizza and a coke.  I work at a big box store.  One were you pay a membership to shop at.  I’m the under cover guy.  My co-workers only see me when there trouble. 

I pretty much stay away from everyone and mind my own business.  Better not to be seen.  All the guys at work think I have the best job.  They can only follow gorgeous women from there section of the store.  I on the other hand can follow all the cute girls around the store.  On occasion I get lucky and my type of woman walks by.  She the stacked MILF or the hottie with all the curves.  A great big ass and some huge boobs to match.  Nothing gets me harder.  It’s been awhile since I followed such a woman.

I looked down at my watch again.  I heard some voices coming up the stairs behind me toward the break room.  I heard a female supervisor at the time clock talking to someone directly behind me.  They were both talking and laughing as they walked around me to sit at the far table across the room.  I shifted my ass in my chair.  My mouth quietly opened.  I took a big breath.

Olivia was the front end supervisor.  She was maybe just over 5ft.  She has short brunette hair and some big curves.  Her ass is huge and her large breasts are not bad.  When I first started I would go home after work and crank one out thinking about her wearing some tight jeans and calling out my name from behind.  But she is very moody and does not play nice with others.  The more I got to know her.  The less I would think about her yelling my name from behind.

I did not recognize the older woman sitting across from her.  They were both still talking to each other.  I could not see her name tag around her neck.  I did however see her very amble cleavage stuffed inside a small bra and matching top.  My cock started to get hard.  She was twice the age of Olivia and more than twice my age.  She had shoulder length dark hair in a pony tail.  She was wearing short gold rim glasses and looked like she had just painted her finger nails and fiery red lips the same color.  Who was she?  Why was she up in the break room?

I quietly got up and walked to punch back in from lunch.  I decided to take my last break and see if I could figure out who this lady was.  Another ten minutes passes before I heard someone coming up the stairs behind me.  It was the hiring manager for the store.  She walked toward Olivia and the older lady.  “I have good news, Lori.  Your going to be working in our clothing section of the store.  You start tomorrow.  Congrats.” She said.  “All right Mom.  I knew you get the job.” Said Olivia.  “Thanks sweetie.” Said Olivia Mom.

My mind almost exploded.  Was I hearing them correctly?  The busty MILF sitting across from Olivia was her Mother.  My mouth dropped farther open.  I dropped my coke on the table in front of me.  The empty bottle rolled off onto the floor.  All three of the women looked over at me.  I ducked my head under the table.  How could I have missed the signs?  The huge ass and the mind boggling huge breast.  The almost matching hair color and eyes.  I shook my head as I creep-ed out of the break room and back onto the sales floor.

The next two day flew by.  I just wanted to go to work and see what Olivia Mom was doing.  I went to work early and sat in the break room getting ready to punch in for the day.  I peeked out the corner of my eye when I saw a door to the computer room open.  My eyes got bigger as I saw Olivia Mom coming walking out into the break room.  She had to watch movies and fill out paperwork for the next few days before she can work in her department.  I decided to time my breaks and lunch with hers.

The next three days flew by.  I took my breaks and lunch with hers.  I sat in the corner trying not to stare at her.  All my friends at work would sit at my table.  I had to make sure they did not see me checking out the new hire.  Forget that every day she was wearing outfits that stretched my jeans in the front.  I was so turned on. 

I almost thought it was starting to be an obsession.  I was not sure how to approach her.  I did not want anyone at work to find out I had a thing for such an older lady or that her daughter was a supervisor who would fire my ass faster than she could snap her fingers. 

I was looking down at my phone when I heard the seat move next to me.  “Hi!  Is anyone sitting here?”  said a female voice.  “No!  Please have a seat.” I said.  I then turned my head.  “Hi!  I’m Olivia Mom.  Lori!  I just started working here.  I don’t think we have met.” She said.  I smiled.  “Buck , Buck Kelly.  Nice to meet you.  Welcome to “Blank” Club.” I said.  She smiled.  She smelled great.  My breathing started to increase.  “What do you do?” she said.  “If I told you I might have to kill you.  I’m the associate that works here but your not suppose to know I work here.  I sort of show up when there a problem.” I said.  She smiled.  “That good to know Buck.” She said.

Olivia Mom was wearing a very tight brown knit shirt; the top two buttons were open.  She was also wearing super tight jeans and some white tennis shoes on her little feet.  She was just slightly taller than her daughter.  “How tall our you?  My oldest son is almost six foot.  He lives with my ex down in Texas.” She said.  “About 6ft 4.  Depends on the size of my shoes I might be wearing that day.” We both laughed.

I almost made her laugh again when I heard Olivia voice getting closer to the table.  She sat down next to her mother and took over the conversation.  I just sat back and listened.  Seems that Olivia was still living with her Mom.  They both had a two bedroom apartment not to far from work.  They shared a mini van.  The mini van kept breaking down and was causing them to fight.  Olivia was in a bad mood and was going home at four.  Her mother was getting off at work at 2pm and now had to come back and pick up her daughter after she got done.  

As quick as Olivia sat down next to us.  She was up and heading back to the sales floor.  I then turned my attention back to her Mother.  “Sorry about you car.” I said.  She smiled.  “My daughter has not patience and she is a terrible driver.  Just like her Dad, my ex.” She said.  “I’m going to get a water from the vending machine.  Would you like something?” I said.  “A water would be nice.  Thank you young man.  I’m glad to see you have such nice manners.  My boyfriend of three years would have never asked.” She said. 

Fuck!  She had a boyfriend.  I should have known.  My mind was still racing as I handed her the cold water.  We made some small talk before she went to the computer room and I went back on the sales floor. 

An hour later I was still thinking about her boyfriend when I decided to walk through clothing and head toward the cash registers.  I almost walked into a book pallet.  I looked over to see Olivia Mom trying on some wooden heels near the jewelry counter.  She put on the heels and then looked over her shoulders trying to check out her fat ass in her tight jeans.  She was arching her back and sticking her huge breast in the front.  The thin brown material kept from bursting in the front.  My cock was rock hard inside my jeans.  I spent the next half hour checking her out.  She was putting up shirts, tops and jeans to her big curves and talking to herself.  I needed to run to the bathroom and jerk one off but I had to wait till later.

Finally another associate came to help her train in the clothing department.  I quickly ducked out and walked toward the bathroom when I got a call to go to the front.  I spent the next few hrs at the door.  I did see both Olivia and her Mom walk out.  I smiled at them and wished them a good night.  I saw them both talking to each other and then Olivia pulled away in there beat up old mini van.

The next two days flew by.  Neither Olivia nor her Mom worked.  I then had two days off.  It felt like forever when I walked back into the break room on my first break.  I sat down.  A minute later Olivia Mom walked over and sat next to me.  “Hey Buck!  How are you sweetie?”  she said.  “Good!  How are you?” I said.  She paused.  “How was your weekend?” she said.  I smiled.  “Good!  How was yours?  Do anything fun?” I said.  “No!  I was supposed to see David.  My boyfriend.  But he had to work.  He lives about 3hrs away.  It’s hard to see him.  Especially when our mini van keeps breaking down.  Plus I think he had other plans.  I saw he posted some pics on his facebook account.” She said.

She excused herself first and walked down the stairs.  I noticed she had a big white t-shirt stretched over a dark peach bra underneath.  It almost looked like she was wearing a huge peach bathing suit underneath.  I quickly followed her toward the clothing section of the store.  I spent the next hour trying not to be caught starring at her huge round ass stuffed inside some faded blue jeans.  She was wearing small two inch wooden heels.  I looked down to see my cock grow down my right side of my cargo shorts.

I left for a call and return to find she had gone to lunch.  I quickly walked upstairs with a slice of pizza and a coke.  Olivia Mom waved for me to sit down at her table.  We made small talk and ate our lunches on front of each other.  I then watched her go down stairs.  I punched back in for lunch and spend the rest of my shift walking the store.

I walked back to the manager office to punch out for the day.  I could hear some people talking inside.  I stuck my head inside.  I saw Olivia and her Mom talking to each other.  I excused myself and then punched out.  I then walked back outside of the small office.  Olivia got asked to work a double and her Mom was going to punch out.  She was going to have to come back later to pick up Olivia.  I then saw Olivia come outside the office.  She shot me a cold stare and went back to work. 

I just stood there.  A few minutes passed.  “Hey Buck!  Forget something?” said Olivia Mom.  “No.  I was just waiting.  I could not help but over hear your conversation with your daughter.  I would be more than happy to drop you off at your house or another place.  Then Olivia could take herself home after her shift tonight.  Save you so time and gas money.” I said.  “You would do that?  That is so nice of you.  These heels and this outfit has worn me out today.  I don’t know what I was thinking.  OMG!  That would be so fabulous.” She said with a big smile. 

“Just tell your daughter that you got a ride.  Maybe just don’t tell her I’m driving you.”  I said with a big smile.  “Gotcha yah.  Thank you so much again.  If you don’t mind?  Maybe I can stop and pick something up before you drop me off at my house.” She said.  “Sure no problem.  I’ll meet you outside.  I have a big black truck.”  I said.  I walked toward my truck.  I saw Olivia Mom walk toward her daughter.

I few minutes passed before I saw Olivia Mom walk toward my truck.  She had a big smile on her face.  “I should have known, big men like there big toys.”  She pointed to my truck.  I quickly got out to open her door.  I put the palm of my hand on her lower back.  She reached up to pull herself into the black leather seat of my truck.  She had me stop for some box wine at the liquor store before we pulled into her apartment complex.

“I live on the third floor, all the way down there.” She said.  I then parked my truck.  I kept the motor running.  I thought she might just say goodbye and thank me for driving her home.  “You better turn of the engine and help me get down.  I almost fell out at the liquor store.” She giggled.  ‘No problem.  I almost rented an apartment from here.  I always wondered what they looked like inside.” I said with a smile.  “Then you better carrier the wine to my apartment.  I’ll give you a tour.” She giggled.

I followed Olivia Mom up three flight of stairs.  I tried not to stare at her big ass but it was impossible.  I think she saw me a few times and just smiled.  I waited to the side as she opened her front door.  She had me close the door behind us.  She walked around her living room picking up clothing items.  “My daughter is a slob.  Likes to leaves her stuff all over the place.  She even promised but forgot to do the dishes before we started work today.” She said.  I turned my head to see the fridge.  I opened the door and put the box of wine inside.  I then turned to see Olivia Mom picking up my clothes from the hallway bathroom.  I noticed two huge black bras and some garter belts on the shower curtain rod.

I then turned my attention to her dirty dishes in the sink.  I turned on some hot water and began to load her dish washer.  A couple of minutes passed before I heard Olivia Mom wooden heels click on the kitchen floor as she walked up on my right side.  “Buck!  You did not have to do the dishes.  That is so sweet of you.  First a ride.  Helping me in and out of your truck.  Now doing chores.  Your such a nice your man.” She said.

I turned to smile.  I then watched  as she walked over to her fridge.  She bent over shoving her ass out and her huge breast inside her fridge.  I would have loved to be a bottle of water looking under her huge boobs at that moment.  She quickly shut the door to her fridge.  She walked over to my right side again.  “I’ll be right back.” She said softly.  I turned to watch her leave than washed to big pots before I could hear her coming back to the kitchen.  She had reapplied some perfume and her big red lips.  She then walked back to my side again.

“Are you in a hurry to get home?  Perhaps a date later with someone?” she said.  I smiled.  “No and No.  It’s good to be single.” I said.  “Tell me your honest opinion.  What do you think of my daughter?” she said.  I was thinking one thing but had to be nice.  “That is a good question.  She is very nice.  I get along with her very good.” I said.  I kind of shrugged my shoulders.  “I can tell you’re lying Buck.  But I understand you want to be nice.  There two different sides of her.  There is bossy bitch and sweet innocent bitch.  A big bitch at work and some times nice at home.” She giggled.

“I was going to say moody but I see your point.” I said.  We both laughed.  “She was getting on me all day, for my outfit.  Seems my new bra was being seen underneath this white t-shirt.  I was only trying to match my new finger and toe nail color I got at the mall the other day.  Fiery peach!  She is suck a pain.  That reminds me.  Did you notice?” she said.  “Mmmm Maybe.” I said.  “I know they can be hard not to stare at.  There so big and all.  I can’t ell you the last time I saw my shoes to tie them.” she giggled.

“I wanted to say something but it’s kind of hard at work.  I hate to have to watch a video from HR on my comments.” We both laughed.  “Come her sweetie follow me to the living room.  Take a seat on my big couch.  I’ll be right back sweetie.” she said.  My cock was still hard inside my cargo shorts.  I was sitting on her big brown leather couch.  The leather cushions were twice the size of anything I had been on. 

I was looking to my left at the front door.  I did not notice she had walked back into the living room and now was putting her hand on my shoulder.  She put her huge ass on the front of my cargo shorts.  She was kind of sitting on my left thigh.  I could feel one ass cheek hanging over the outside of my thigh and the other ass cheek against my side.  Her legs crossed over the front of my shorts and rested on my right thigh and little part of the brown leather cushion.  Only the small thin blue denim separated our skin.  Her massive breast pushed into my chest.  She looked into my eyes.

“You have such pretty blue eyes.  I’m not hurting you? Am I?” she giggled.  “Nope.” Was all I could say.  “Maybe you can take off my short heels?  Thank you sweetie.  That feels very nice” she said softly.  I had taken off her heels and started to rub her feet.

 “Mmmm that feels so good.  I was trying to think how to repay you for all your help today.  Now I’m not sure how you’re going to take this.  But I’m just going to be out front and just tell you.  First I was going to ask if you wanted a hug or a kiss.  Most men want a hug.  Took me a few times to figure out they wanted to cop a feel of my big beauties.  Then I was going to give you both a hug and a kiss for helping do the dishes.  Now that your rubbing my feet and I can feel how hard you are under me.  I just want to suck your cock.” She blurted out.

She knew what she anted and I was more than happy to oblige.  She slowly pulled her white shirt over her head.  Her huge peach bra was over flowing of her huge breast.  All her ripe flesh was spilling out of her small bra.  She smiled as she grabbed the back of my head and forced my mouth on her peach bra.  I started to lick, bite and saliva all over the thing peach material.  I could feel her breathing getting faster and her huge ass shaking on top of my lap. 

A few minutes passed before she got off my lap and started to take off her clothes.  She motion for me to take off my cargo shorts and thin white boxer briefs.  She had a big smile on her face when she heard my cock smack to front of her leather couch.  She started at it a few minutes before she got on her knees in front of my hard cock to worship it.  All 9 ¾ inches was sticking straight up now.  She leaned her head down to began to licking the tip of my cock head.

“Damn! Honey!  Your big cock is so nice and round.  I love your hairless balls and big muscular thighs.  Now I’m going to rest my big tits on your thighs and suck your cock till you exploded in my mouth.  You young guys have such big loads.” She said.  I watched as she began to lick my meaty shaft and suck my balls.  She gagged a few times when she tried to get both my huge balls in her mouth.  I reached down to play with her huge tits as she sucked my cock.

I wanted to hold out longer but her mouth was like a vacuum and I could not stop staring at her huge juggs.  Just like that, I started to erupt in her mouth.  She mumbled something then some of my thick seed ran out of the edge of her lips.  She than used both her small hands on my cock to pull out every last drop from my hard cock.  I squinted my eyes and pumped two big shots down her throat before she finally let go of my used cock.

She quickly got to her feet and walked into her kitchen.  She brought a big glass of water from the sink.  She took a few sips and swirled the water in her mouth.  She then started to suck her left nipple as she handed me the water glass.  

I put the glass on a end table next to the couch.  I then got on my knees next to her.  I quickly fed her right nipple into my hungry mouth.  I started to suck her right breast.  I placed my right hand on her big ass.  I started to grope her big ass and with my left hand I began to run my finger up and down her bare pussy lips.  She was completely shaved and her two big pussy lips had fallen out the bottom of her pussy.  She moaned so hard when I started to rub her swollen clitoris.  I gripped her left ass cheek when she orgasm on my two fingers deep inside her. 

Her knees buckled and I let her fall back wards onto the couch.  I quickly got between her legs.  She pushed her huge tits apart to see me spread her pussy lips with my mouth.  I started to run my tongue the length of her ass to the top of her pussy.  She closed her eyes when she orgasm again.  I kept running two fingers inside her and licking her swollen pussy lips.  She finally dropped her tits and clamped her thighs around my head and let out a violent orgasm that shook her whole body.

I fell backwards onto the floor in her living room.  She then stood up and grabbed my hand and took me to her room on the first floor.  She had me lie on my back and she slid her wet pussy on my shaft.  Her huge breast rested below her belly as she began to fuck me hard and harder.  I started to fondle and grope and suck her big breast as she fucked me.  I grabbed her hips and started to bounce her on my hard cock.  I felt her orgasm first before I shot a huge load deep inside her.  

We both asleep and I barely made it out of her apartment before her daughter got home.  I drove him and crashed on my ouch before I went to work the next day.  Work went fast and I was very excited all day from watching Olivia Mom.  I was erect every time I saw her.  She would shoot me a smile and she put her hand on my thigh in the break room under the table.  Her daughter sat across from us and her Mom teased me all night before our shifts ended.

It was two days before I hooked up with Olivia Mom again.  This time we met at a gas station up from her apartment.  Olivia was home and her Mom just wanted a quickie.  We fucked very hard in the gas station rest room and then she gave me a great blow job in the back of my truck.  We played this game for about two weeks.  She would text me and we meet at the gas station for sex.

I’m thinking I need to start fucking Olivia.  Than I could come over and not need and excuse to see her Mother.  Maybe I’ll save that for another story.  Maybe I could get some advice how I should proceed and what Olivia Mom would wear on a official date with me.
