Sarah Palin attracted 37.24 million viewers when she gave her acceptance speech, and she’s only running as the Vice Presidential candidate with John McCain running as Presidential candidate. Barack Obama attracted 38.4 million viewers for his acceptance speech. There was one major difference however, the bias media broadcast Obama’s speech on 10 stations, while only 6 stations broadcast Palin’s speech, which means Palin had more viewers with fewer stations than Obama despite his stage built by the Britney Spears stage team.
Neilsen said that nearly 2 million more women than men watched Palin’s speech. Far more women are interested in Palin than they were Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, barely even gets a mention. No one cares about Joe. It’s all about Palin.
But the big story is that with nearly half as many stations as Obama, she managed to get almost the same number of viewers. Black men were given the vote a half-century before women of any race were allowed to mark a ballot, and generally have ascended to positions of power, from the military to the boardroom, before any women. So I don't understand why the media did not give her as many stations other than the fact that they are biased.

Gov. Sarah Palin proved last Wednesday night she could deliver a good speech - and a huge audience.
Delivering the most anticipated vice presidential acceptance speech in political history, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin accomplished her mission. She talked family, biography, policy, and John McCain. Especially John McCain the POW. And--Democrats beware--she demonstrated she's handy with a rhetorical stiletto and can slice Barack Obama and Joe Biden while flashing a stylish smile.
An estimated 37.24 million viewers tuned into six networks measured by the Nielsen Company to see the vice presidential nominee's speech before the Republican National Convention.
The numbers were just short of the 38.37 million people who tuned in to see Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama address the Democractic National Convention last Thursday, which aired on 10 networks.
She also topped Obama's vice presidential pick, Sen. Joe Biden, who drew just 24.02 million viewers, and Sen. Hillary Clinton, who averaged 25.9 million, in appearances at the DNC a week before, according to Nielsen.