So, the received the video below that was said to be the sex tape of Malaysian actress Zarina An-Julie. The video was converted from the 3pg cellphone video format it was originally received in but the video quality is still not great. This video is said to go with the leaked nude and sex pictures of the actress. Notice the tile in the background in the first picture and the tile in the very first part of the sex tape. And one more thing, even for a mobile phone shot clip the video is of very poor quality. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Screen Shots from the Sex Video, low quality and very dark.

Very Poor Quality!
Malaysian Actress Zarina An-Julie Cell Phone Sex Tape
File Size: 37.5 MB - Poor Quality Video- Runtime: 35:08 minutes
Okay, we understand her. Heck, we have of her topless pictures, with lots of tongue action, so what more can we ask for? A sex tape! You have seen the naked pictures of Zarina An-Julie which have been circulating on the Internet in recent months but have you seen her sex video. There were two e-mails that caused the original sex photo scandal, one set consists of pictures of her and her friends in clubs.
Second, is a set of obscene pictures in which Zarina An Julie claimed as super-imposed. But the forummers at have spent a lot of time discussing and from the information they gathered, it is safe for us to say the pictures weren't at all--super-imposed--as she claimed.
People are very sure it is the original pictures of her, capturing her breasts using digital camera with an anonymous guy.
She said the pictures were super-imposed by people who are jealous of her career, but there were many pictures altogether but these pictures however show to us that Zarina An-Julie has a mole at her left arm, and they do not contradict with the previous pictures, the set that shows her clubbing with her friends.
Furthermore, it is not logical that the second set were superimposed as the pixels were flawless--too perfect--the head and the body part were of the same hue, tone, brightness and contrast that it only makes perfect sense the pictures are real.
And if they were superimposed, it is impossible to match different head angle with body part images flawlessly. It is not possible that some other people have pictures of her head that happen to fit just so nicely and perfectly with the bare body parts.
She says that people nowadays are more intelligent, and could judge her more rationally.
She admits that there is no perfect person in the world. She asked for forgiveness to all her fans for what had happened.
She never imagined that it would happen. She also admits that the pictures of her in the night club was her.
As she remembered, that picture was taken when she was 18, far from being an celebrity.
Zarina An-Julie knows who spread her pictures. However, she still doesn’t know the motives of that person to do so.
Zarina An-Julie, a Iranian & Malay mix with some Scottish says that, she is confused why her nude pictures become an issue.
Zarina An-Julie bte Mohd Fahizul, 21 years old from Petaling Jaya (Selangor), Malaysia, is a Malaysian soap actress and is the lead in the TV drama Anak Pontianak on TV3 followed by “Anak Pontianak the Movie”. She plays the main character, Mia. Zarina is of Iranian-Malaysian parentage. She was only four when she was cast in the film, Selubung, and then later in Mimpi Moon, two films directed by Shuhaimi Baba under her Pesona Pictures production company. ANAK PONTIANAK is the first lead role by Zarina An-Julie and is very popular new starlet. Because of her mysterious dark look more than her close ties with Shumi that got her the main role part for this series. Anak Pontianak is a spin off of PONTIANAK HARUM SUNDAL MALAM popularized by MAYA KARIN.